2018 Blacksburg Brew Do

On Saturday September 22, 2018 we had the great pleasure of participating in the 10th Anniversary Blacksburg Brewdo.  Valley brought a few newcomers and some old favorite brands to share with patrons. On tap from Valley Distributing was newcomer Blake's Hard Cider, Yuengling Golden Pilsner, Studio Brew, Highland Brewing, Blue Moon, Damascus Brewing,  Flying Dog, Wolf Hills, Wyndridge Farms Brewing, & Heritage Brewing.  


A few pics

Newcomer Blake's Hard Cider with ontap favorites Wakefire & Beard Bender

Damascus Brewing's Honey Mango Sour was a hit! Adam Woodsen owner/brewer was on site to discuss his brews

Highland Brewing seasonal favorite Clawhammer!

Studio Brew from Bristol, Virginia had us dancing in the streets with Hop-a-delic Kewl-aid 2.0

Patrons were able to sample the newest addition to the Yuengling